Sunday, March 6, 2011

Container Gardening Starts in the Spring

One of the most overlooked basics to getting your container gardens off to a good start each spring is a good cleaning of any previously used planters. A good scrub of all new planters is a good idea just to make sure no foreign or toxic substances, like herbicide, have landed in the pot. There's nothing worse that planting an exciting new collection of plants, only to watch them mysteriously wither away in front of your eyes. Of course, it's not hard to understand why you would want to clean used planters—you want to make sure no nasty pests, molds or mildew have taken up residence either in last year's soil.
Also, it is recommended to always re-pot perennials in planters each year. Again, you want to ensure your pot isn't harboring any problems and you should be checking the health and size status of the plant's root system each year too. Going back into fresh, nutrient-rich soil will keep your perennials healthy for much longer.Give your plants a good start with a nice clean pot, and soil, and you'll be rewarded with healthier plants.

Moving In!

Moving In!
The site everyone loves to see in their community or neighborhood…a moving van unloading! There is excitement for the new homeowners as well as the current residents who can’t wait to meet their new neighbors.

First Cast

First Cast

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